Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 1

Today was day one of my quest to get healthy. I am using the RunDouble Couch to 5K Tracker, as one of my goals is to be able to run a 5K in the future. 

I won't lie. I had a very hard time. I decided that I would use my neighborhood roads versus a track, and I kind of regret my decision. Mostly because I live on a hill. Running the first few intervals was easy going down hill, but on the way back up, I found myself unable to run. (I think tomorrow I'll go to the track).

Overall, it doesn't matter to me that I couldn't run every interval. Because I know I gave it my best. And the whole point of this venture is to work my way up to being able to accomplish this. I'm determined to bring my weight down and feel good about myself. Maybe then I can truly be happy. :) 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I started a new blog to document my adventures in getting healthy and fit. I figured if I make this public, it will help me achieve my goals by allowing people to make comments and cheer me on. And if I write it down and people see it, maybe it will help give me the willpower to actually do this. 

I can't lie. At first, I was going to keep this a complete secret. I didn't want anyone to know what I was doing, because I was afraid that people would judge me if they saw eating something I shouldn't, or not working out as much as I said I would. I fold easily under pressure and scrutiny. I have a hard time accepting criticism and I shut down because I have so many self-esteem issues. I'm brave enough to admit that. 

I'm also brave enough now to allow people to see that I have some serious demons I need to tackle. I'm not happy with myself and my life and I'm doing something about it. It's time. 

My first ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds. I've decided that if I can do this, I will reward myself with something I've wanted for a while, another tattoo. 

So, I have my new snazzy sneakers...

...and I'm officially ready to make this change in my life. Be patient with me though, that's all I ask. I'm no pro at this. I know it's going to be incredibly hard. But I've been sitting on the sidelines too long. It's time for me to take control. 

I can do this!!